Checkmate Tactics
please notice: to start you have to click once on the game screen
Welcome to Checkmate Tactics, a unique chess-based puzzle game! Strategically eliminate all chess pieces on the game board until only a single piece remains. Grind your way through 5 Ranks and 40 challenging levels to achieve victory. Remember the core rules: pieces can only move by capturing another chess piece, and each capture results in your piece transforming into the type of the piece you just took. Prepare for a tactical experience unlike any other!
Ranks 0 and 1 are designed to introduce the game mechanics. The challenges begin from Rank 2 onwards.
Starting the Game
From the Start Screen, press '5' or 'spacebar' to begin the game.
Level Selection
To access the Level Select screen from the Start screen, press '0'.
On the Level Select screen:
- Use keys '1' through '8' to select a specific level within the current rank.
- Press '9' to advance to the next rank, unlocking new challenges.
- Press '0' to return to the previous rank or to the Start screen.
Selecting a Piece
In the game, you must first select a starting chess piece. Use the arrow keys (Numpad 4, 6, 8, 2) or alternative keys (A, D, W, S) to move the cursor and highlight your desired starting piece. Confirm your selection by pressing '5' or 'spacebar'.
Movement and Capture
In Checkmate Tactics, pieces can only move by capturing another chess piece. Movement without capturing is not allowed. To choose the direction of your capture, use the Numpad or alternative keys. For more details, see Controls. After selecting a direction, your piece will move and capture the piece in that direction, if possible.
A blinking dot will appear if there is no piece to capture in the chosen direction.
Confirm your move by pressing '5', 'spacebar', or by pressing the same direction key again.
Piece Transformation
Whenever your piece captures another piece, it transforms into the type of the captured piece. For example, if your Rook captures a Pawn, your Rook will become a Pawn.
Special Pieces
Some pieces are marked with one or two dots on their right side. These special pieces have specific capture requirements before they transform:
- Pieces marked with one dot must capture two pieces before they transform.
- Pieces marked with two dots must capture three pieces before they transform.
Checkmate Tactics is controlled exclusively using the keyboard, with optimal play using the numpad. Alternative keybindings are also available.
Start Screen
- Start Game: '5', 'spacebar'
- Level Select: '0', 'backspace', 'C'
Level Select Screen
- Select Level 1-8: '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'
- Next rank: '9', 'E'
- Previous rank / Start screen: '0', 'backspace', 'C'
Game Screen
- Cursor movement:
- left: '4', '←.', 'A'
- right: '6', '→ ', 'D'
- up: '8', '↑ ', 'W'
- down: '2', '↓', 'S'
- Select starting chess piece: '5', 'Spacebar'
- Choose a chess piece to capture (see "Chess Pieces" section for details):
- left: '4', 'A'
- up-left: '7', 'Q'
- right: '6', 'D'
- up-right: '9', 'E'
- up: '8', 'W'
- down: '2', 'S'
- down-left: '1', 'Y'
- down-right: '3', 'X'
- confirm selection: '5', 'spacebar', or press the same direction key again.
- Restart level: numpad enter, enter, 'R'
- Back to Level Select: '0', 'backspace', 'C'
Color Theme
You can cycle through different color themes by pressing the 'F10' key.
Chess Pieces
The movement patterns of the chess pieces are based on standard chess rules:
- King: Can move one square in any direction (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally).
- Queen: Can move any number of squares in a straight line – horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- Knight: Moves in an "L" shape: two squares in one direction (horizontally or vertically), then one square perpendicular to that direction. It is the only piece that can jump over other pieces.
- Bishop: Can move any number of squares diagonally.
- Rook: Can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically.
- Pawn: Moves one square diagonally to capture.
Game Designer's Notes
The inspiration for Checkmate Tactics came to me while watching my own children take their first steps into the world of chess. I noticed they were initially struggling to grasp the movement patterns of the pieces. This sparked the idea to create a little learning aid, something that could make understanding chess a bit more intuitive and fun.
Beyond that, I'd been eager to participate in this Game Jam ever since seeing Vimlark's game submission last year. The challenge of developing a game with just two colors and in low resolution was particularly appealing. It really forced me to focus on the essential elements and strip away anything unnecessary.
Perhaps it's worth mentioning that Checkmate Tactics is a solo project. I undertook all aspects of development myself, from the initial game concept and design to the programming and pixel art. The sfx are from Trix Sound Pack by @Trix.
Overall, developing Checkmate Tactics has been a truly enjoyable and rewarding experience. I hope you have fun playing it!
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